3.9 [Sources] Sections

These sections are optional.


Defines the [Sources] section content.

All file names specified in this section must be in the directory containing the INF file or in sub-directories of the directory containing the INF file.

The 'common' architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.

All paths are relative to the directory containing the INF file. If the filename is listed as myfile.c, the file must be located in the same directory as the INF file. Absolute paths in the filename are prohibited.

There can be multiple sources sections, depending on the target processor. Example sources sections are listed below. The parsing utility creates a directory path for each file ($(DEST_DIR)...\MyFile.c), and looks up the makefile template for the MODULE_TYPE (EDK II) to emit.

All HII Unicode format files must be listed in this section as well as any other "source" type file, such as local module header files, Vfr files, etc.

Each source file must be listed only once per section. Files listed in architectural sections are not permitted to be listed in the common architectural section.

This section is not valid for a generated "As Built" binary INF file.

<Sources>            ::= "[Sources" [<com_attribs>]* "]" <EOL>
                         [<TS> "TABLE_NAME" <Eq> <SimpleWord> <EOL>]
<com_attribs>        ::= {".common"} {<attribs>}
<attribs>            ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "Sources" <attrs>]*
<attrs>              ::= "." <arch>
<SourceFileStmts>    ::= {<MacroDefinition>} {<SourceFileEntry>}
<SourceFileEntry>    ::= <TS> <Filename> [<Options>] <EOL>
<Options>            ::= <FS> [<Family>] [<opt1>]
<opt1>               ::= <FS> [<TagName>] [<opt2>]
<opt2>               ::= <FS> [<ToolCode>] [<opt3>]
<opt3>               ::= <FS> [<FeatureFlagExpress>]
<Family>             ::= {"MSFT"} {"GCC"} {"INTEL"} {<Wildcard>}
<TagName>            ::= {<ToolWord>} {"*"}
<ToolCode>           ::= _CommandCode_
<FeatureFlagExpress> ::= <Boolean>



Paths listed in the filename elements of the [Sources] section must be relative to the directory the INF file resides in. Use of "..", "." and "../" in the directory path is not permitted.


When present, the feature flag expression determines whether the entry line is valid. If the feature flag expression evaluates to FALSE, this entry will be ignored by the EDK II build tools.


A keyword that uniquely identifies a tool chain group; the second field. Wildcard characters are permitted if and only if a command is common to all tools that will be used by a developer. As an example, if the development team only uses IA32 Windows workstations, the ACPI compiler can be specified as:



A keyword that uniquely identifies a specific command; the fourth field. Several CommandCode keywords have been predefined, however users may add additional keywords, with appropriate modifications to buildrule.txt. See table below for the pre-defined keywords and functional mappings. The wildcard character, "", is permitted only for the FAMILY, DLL and DPATH attributes (see *_Attributes** below.)


Family is keyword that uniquely identifies a tool chain family. The Family must be either a wildcard character (meaning any Family) or it must match a defined value for a Family label in the tools_def.txt file for at least one tool chain TagName specified in tools_def.txt (or the TagName field that follows this field in the entry).


